Global Engagement Experience
Chile Spring 2024

Day 7

Friday, March 8th, 2024

Image 1 On this International Women's Day, I was especially proud to be a Mujer en STEM, and even more excited to give my pitch for Plaza Verde with my team Ingeniando SueƱos. After practicing our pitch a few times and refining our presentation, we were all set to give it our all and showcase all our brainstorming and designing efforts.

Image 2 Once again, my team placed second, and we were all very proud of our wor This week in Chile was so much fun and something I will never forget. I definitely made amazing friends who I would love to work with again, and have a camera filled with wonderful memories which will last me a lifetime. Most importantly, I feel like I am a better engineer. I definitely improved my ability to communicate my ideas clearly, draw inspiration from things around me, and adapt quickly to new situations, alongside developing basic AutoCAD skills with Fusion 360, and using a hot glue gun efficiently!

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